
There are four key challenges that will shape our economic future. All are already present in some form. All four are growing in significance and influence.  The also influence each other to some degree. Three of them you will be familiar with to some degree as they have been publicly discussed in various ways for some time.  These three are, in no particular order: an aging population, natural resources, and international politics/power.  The forth is perhaps the most prevalent and so rarely discussed it needs an introduction – the faceless economy.

Aging Population

An aging population has a profound impact on the economy, much more so than many people realise.  To understand this better, read about the challenge in aging population, as well as what happens when a country does not adjust for it in our article on Japan, and how some countries are staying young in our article on Australia.

Natural Resources

The planet is a finite resource, and its natural resources have been fought over for throughout history.  But the current challenge is about collaboration not ownership, find out more about the challenge ahead to manage our natural resources.

Politics and Power

The economic challenge for those in power is that they are not always in control.  Find out more about how different countries are facing up to this challenge and what we can all do to shape a better political future.

The Faceless Economy

Economics has always been a social construct, but the faceless economy has taken away our moral compass.  Learn more about the faceless economy and its far reaching impact on our world today.

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